Academic CV

Academic Curriculum Vitae

2024/25Lecturer at the Freiburg University of Music
2023/24Lecturer at the Institute of Music at the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrueck
2021:Professor emeritus at Folkwang University of the Arts
1997-2021:Full-time professor at Folkwang University of the Arts
1991-1997Part-time professor at Folkwang University of the Arts
1990-2021:Director of the Jazz Course of Studies at Folkwang University of the Arts
1988:Founder and co-founder of the Jazz Course of Studies at Folkwang University of the Arts
1984:Lecturer for Jazz at Folkwang University of the Arts Essen, Germany
1981:1st State Exam in German and French Literature
1990-2000:Member of the DAAD Commission (German Academic Exchange Service)
Teaching subjects at Folkwang: jazz composition/arranging, jazz theory, jazz history, ensemble, big band, studio work & recording practice.

Special course: melodies as applied music psychology