Based on fictional situations of his life, this opera tells the story of the Spanish writer Federico Garcia Lorca, beginning with his youth in Granada and ending with his early death as one of the first victims of the fascists in the Spanish Civil War.
Lorca’s homosexual disposition, his opposition to the Roman Catholic Church and the all-pervading machismo, his liberal basic attitude, his idea of theater as an education of the people, entirely in the sense of a Berthold Brecht or Erwin Piscator, led to his becoming an enemy image of the first rank for the fascists.
Obsessed since early childhood with the idea of death and the fear of it, he tried to escape the Civil War and its consequences. He went back to Granada, to the place where he was born. But instead of escaping the war, he runs into the arms of his murderers.
Thus, the opera LORCA represents the incarnation of a modern tragic hero who, like Oedipus in ancient mythology, runs all the more to his doom as he is trying to escape it.
WDR Cologne. Broadcast production. WDR-Funkhausorchester. Conductor: Michail Jurowski
With Thomas Dewald, Andres Felipe Orozco, Dominik Wortig, Timm de Jong, Thomas Bonni, Mechthild Georg, Anke Hoffmann, Reinhard Schulat, Michael Zanger, Markus Kloster, Monika Hess-Zanger